Arduino 001: Arduino Startup
This will help you:
Download Arduino software and start using your Arduino
Arduino is a very useful platform that allows you to control electronic circuits and devices with code. The language used is based on C/C++, but you don't need to know much to get started. Arduino has a lot of online documentation, resources and tutorials provided by the creators and the user community, so it's very friendly to beginners. Having a background knowledge of how programs work (variables, loops, conditionals, functions) is helpful, but you can quickly get up to speed.
In this activity, you'll download and install the Arduino IDE (integrated development environment), which helps you write and debug programs and upload them to your Arduino. You'll build a very basic circuit and run a demo script which blinks an LED.
Time: .5-1 hours / Level: A1
You should already:
Have the supplies listed below
You Will Need:
A computer (with internet access for installing Arduino software)
an Arduino (most of these activities are based on an Arduino Uno rev. 3)
a USB 2.0 A-to-B cable