Python 003: Python Basics 1: Structure & Syntax

This will help you:

Write basic programs in Python.

This is intended to provide a quick introduction and reference for common features used in basic Python programs. To practice and learn more about each feature, references are included.

Time: 1-2 hours / Level: A1

You should already:

Get the code and resources for this activity by clicking below. It will allow you to download the files from a Google Drive folder. Unzip the folder and save it in a sensible location.


  • - Learn to print data to the screen.

  • - Learn to store data under a name, called a variable.

  • - Learn 2 of the ways to store groups of data.

  • - Learn to make things happen repeatedly.

  • - Learn to make decisions based on some condition.

  • - Learn about mathematical operations and logic in Python.


  • Interpreter - The program that reads your code, parses the code to understand what it should do, and executes it.

  • Error - When the interpreter runs into an instruction that doesn't make sense, or a running program reaches a step it can't do, the program will stop completely and print an error message in the terminal.

  • Command/Instruction/Step/Operation - One thing for the computer to do.

  • Run/Execute - The computer doing steps.

  • Flow/Thread of execution - The order in which the steps of the program will run. Without functions, loops, or conditions, it would execute each line from top to bottom of the file.

  • Functions, loops and conditions - Pieces of code that can be executed in a slightly different order - see below.

  • Debugging - When you think you wrote an instruction right, and the interpreter says "No you didn't!", and you say "Are you sure?" and try to figure out what mistake you made.


Each of these activities can be run by typing python in the terminal. If you don't know how to use the terminal/command line, you should read the Command Line Quickstart.

Sometimes you will see lines in the code files that are surrounded by """ """ or ''' ''', or begin with a #.

# This is a single-line comment. The interpreter will ignore
# anything on the line after '#'.
this = 'Not a comment, executable code!'

This is a multi-line comment. It starts and ends with
triple-(single or double)quotes. You can write as much as you want,
and the interpreter will ignore until you close it with """

this = "More actual code"

''' You can also use these triple-quotes
as long as the start and end types match. '''

Lastly, sometimes you will see this line:

input("Press Enter to continue...")

That's just something I added to the code files. It makes the program wait for you to press Enter before it keeps executing. The purpose of input() is usually to get input from the user, but I don't care what you type, and I don't assign it to a variable so it disappears.

Since some of the code files have working code at the top and incomplete code later on, I wanted the working code to run and give you a chance to see the results, before the broken code ran and caused an error.

Step 1: Warm-up - Printing

Open Read the comments and run the code by typing python in the terminal. If there is an error, read the error message and fix the code based on the tips and examples. Then, run it again to check that it works.

Step 2: Warm-up - Variables and Types

Open Read the comments and run the code by typing python in the terminal. If there is an error, read the error message and fix the code based on the tips and examples. Then, run it again to check that it works.

Step 3: Warm-Up - Math and Logic

Open Read the comments and run the code by typing python in the terminal. If there is an error, read the error message and fix the code based on the tips and examples. Then, run it again to check that it works.

Step 4: Warm-up - Lists and Tuples

Open Read the comments and run the code by typing python in the terminal. If there is an error, read the error message and fix the code based on the tips and examples. Then, run it again to check that it works.

Step 5: Activity - Loops

Open Read the comments and run the code by typing python in the terminal. Fill in the suggested sections with your own code. If there is an error, read the error message and fix the code based on the tips and examples. Then, run it again to check that it works.

Step 6: Activity - Conditional Statements

Open Read the comments and run the code by typing python in the terminal. Fill in the suggested sections with your own code. If there is an error, read the error message and fix the code based on the tips and examples. Then, run it again to check that it works.