Arduino 004: Morse Code Beacon
This will help you:
Create a light that delivers a message in Morse code when a button is held down
This activity is taken from a scavenger hunt I completed once at Olin. Someone had removed a light switch cover and installed an Arduino running a similar program behind it. When you used the light switch in the right way, the program would be triggered to flash out the message required for the next step.
If you feel like going further, you can instead have it flash out a message typed into the serial monitor.
Time: 1 hour / Level: B1
You should already:
Know how to use a breadboard
Complete the Arduino Startup activity
You Will Need:
A computer
An Arduino
An A-to-B USB cable
A half-size breadboard
Pushbutton switch
10k ohm potentiometer (optional for speed adjustment)
2x 10k Ohm resistors
Piezo buzzer OR:
100-220 Ohm resistor (see this guide on resistors for LEDs)